ACC and Injuries

No refferral needed. We can apply for ACC Physio treatment at your first appointment.

What we offer

Have you injured yourself? Been in an accident? Slipped, twisted or strained a muscle? We are ACC registered. You do not need a referral. Come in and we will do the paperwork for you.

ACC is a 24 hour, 7 day a week injury cover plan for all New Zealanders and visitors to New Zealand. If you have injured yourself by accident you could qualify for ACC Physio treatments. This may include, but is not limited to, sports injuries, lifting, twisting movements, wrenching, straining, falling, tripping, motor vehicle accidents and many more.

Acc Physio Pricing


ACC Initial appointment – $55

ACC Follow-ups – $49

Helping you recover after Injury.

You do not need to be referred by a Doctor for Physio. However, if it is a work related injury or you need time off work it is best to see your GP first. If you are covered, ACC pays part of the cost of treatment and you top up the rest.